One of the most enjoyable aspects of my role as Volunteer Centre Manager, is matching the needs of organisations with the skills and interests of volunteers. Recently the Tandridge Volunteer Centres hosted a Thank You Strawberry Tea Party, looking at my successful referrals and placements during the past few months. Even I am amazed at the diversity of volunteering opportunities that have been filled. Drivers have been recruited to provide transport for patients at St Catherine’s Hospice in Caterham and Crawley, and the Caterham Car Scheme that provides a lifeline to the non-driving elderly. Both schemes still require more help so please do make contact to learn more if you are able to offer even ad hoc help.
I have sourced a trustee as well as two potential Gateway Advisors for the Caterham Warlingham Citizen’s Advice Bureau as well as one Gateway Advisor for Redhill and Reigate CAB.
Learning that Netherne Village’s Conservation Area was being overrun with the very attractive but intrusive weed Goat’s Rue, many volunteers participated in a fun afternoon of ‘Giving Flowers a Chance, but Pulling the Goat’s Rue’.
I can usually find a suitable match for people with a desire to be artistically creative or supportive at The Arc or Orpheus Centre. There are lots of sports or outdoor opportunities listed as well as various befriending and other supportive roles on offer. Perhaps you would like to consider volunteering or maybe a charity or organisation to which you belong needs help? Contact me via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .uk or call 01883 344444.