The annual Round Table Ball held at the Copthorne Hotel in Effingham Park raised over £14,600 pounds for a Great Ormond Street Hospital charity, the Child Death Helpline, last month.
650 people attended the sparkling affair which had 'Winter Wonderland' as its theme. This year's event was the twelfth January themed Ball organised by the Round Table and was another huge success for the organisers. The money raised exceeded last years total, when £12,245 was raised for the Children's Trust in Tadworth at the Mardi Gras themed Ball.
Prior to this year's event, the Round Table organisers and their helpers transformed the ballroom using their creativity and hard work to create a magical Winter Wonderland to stunning effect. The entertainment included a stageshow, casino and disco by Jam Music, while an auction, raffle and Diamond Draw were amongst the entertaining fund-raising initiaves addind extra excitement to the night.
The Caterham Round Table meet for a meal and a few drinks at the Surrey National Golf Club in Chaldon on the first and third Wednesday of the month. One of the main events they organise in the annual Firework Display in Caterhamon- the-Hill. This year they would like to increase their numbers, so if you would like to make new friends and help raise funds for the local community, visit