Preparing for snow |
- Published: Friday, 03 February 2012 11:24
Snow is forecast over the next few days, but at this stage it is not clear how much. Tandridge District Council has issued the following statement about preparing for snow: "If services are affected, information will be provided on Tandridge District Council's website, as soon as possible. Getting information to you We will keep residents and business informed by: • Updating the website ? Making sure our customer service team on 01883 722000 has the latest information. • Sending out e-mail alerts to all residents signed up to our News Direct service. You can help us by encouraging residents to join at • Sending daily updates to councillors, parish councils, county councillors, the media, the MP, Surrey Police and staff. We hope those receiving this will forward it on or let residents, family, friends and neighbours know. • Posting updates to Rubbish, recycling and garden waste In severe weather conditions, the Council and its contractor Biffa will make decisions about sending out the rubbish, recycling and garden waste crews each morning at around 6am. Roads and gritting Snow clearance and gritting is the responsibility of Surrey County Council, although it is unreasonable to expect the county to clear all roads. Surrey has to concentrate on the main roads and town centres. Any enquiries about gritting and snow clearance should be made to Surrey County Council on 0300 200 1003, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can get details of the salting routes in Tandridge on Surrey's website To help keep Surrey moving, Surrey County Council is asking residents to report problems in their area using the dedicated webpage, You can also follow Where possible, our street cleaning crews will help grit pavements in the larger towns. We will be working with local businesses in Oxted, Caterham and Lingfield to salt high street pavements, as well as other essential pedestrian areas. Clearing snow and ice Residents and businesses are legally entitled to clear ice and snow from outside their home or shop. Help us to help you by clearing snow and ice from outside your home or business. As long as snow is cleared responsibly and without causing further risk to passers-by, there is no reason why they should be liable to anyone who may slip on the surface they have cleared. Information about clearing snow and ice safely is on our website at If it does snow, we will do our best to keep services running, but if our staff can't get to work we will need to prioritise which services we can realistically maintain. Our priority will always be to support our more vulnerable residents and to collect refuse first and recycling and garden waste when possible. Please forward this information to family, friends and neighbours to ensure as many people as possible know where they can get the latest information." |