New school proposed for Caterham Green Belt |
- Published: Friday, 03 February 2012 11:47
A planning application has been submitted for a new secondary school on the southern edge of Kenley Airfield. The independent faith school, to be built on the site of a former RAF workshop at Victor Beamish Avenue, would have 120 pupils and about 30 staff. They would come from a wide area, as the school would be moving from its present site in Carshalton. Hilary Turner, District Councillor for Portley Ward, says: "This proposal is sited within the Metropolitan Green Belt and lies within the Kenley Airfield Conservation Area. The plans show a school building and two-storey extension which together are much larger than the existing, semi-derelict, workshop. Applications for new or enlarged buildings in the Green Belt need to show that there are very special circumstances before permission can be granted. "Next to the proposed site, there is a Grade II Listed building (known as the former NAAFI) where permission was granted in 2004 for conversion to use as a faith school. The question will arise as to why the opportunity to conserve and re-use this building is not being pursued." Hilary Turner and her District Council colleague Chris Botten will be submitting comments on this application, and Caterham on the Hill Parish Council is also preparing a response. Details of the planning application can be viewed on the Planning and Building Control portal of the Tandridge District Council website at The closure date for comments is 8th February and the Planning Application number is TA/2012/49. Anyone wishing to comment should write to Mrs C Hammerton, Tandridge District Council, Station Road East, Oxted RH8 0BT or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Wednesday, 8th February 2012. |