Tony Skilbeck has been elected President of Caterham, Oxted Godstone Lions Club (COGS) for the Lions year July 2012 to July 2013. Tony, a retired Chartered Building Surveyor, is a resident of Caterham. He has been a Lion for 34 years and was a founder member of COGS which started in October 1978 and which has been serving the community ever since. Although not a Lion, his wife Brenda has been a constant supporter of Tony and of the Club.
Tony has served in virtually every position in COGS, having been President once before in 1984. In more recent times he filled the role of Club Secretary, a job he did for 15 years, only relinquishing it last year.
Tony has been on the District Cabinet of the Lions organisation in the South East of England for the last five years. He has been the Zone Chairman co-ordinating and supporting the five local Lions clubs; he was the Region Chairman for clubs in Surrey and is currently the District’s Treasurer looking after the finances of the 70 Lions Clubs in the South East of England. He is also a holder of the Melvin Jones Fellowship which is the highest award a Lion can New President of COGS, Tony Skilbeck (left) being congratulated by the outgoing President, Ken Reissland. get and is given in acknowledgement of outstanding service.
The handover of the chain of office took place at the home of the outgoing President Ken Reissland during a supper party attended by Club members.