Members of the community are being invited to have a say in the future of Caterham by joining the Caterham Community Partnership Ltd. ('CCP'), the official body that was formed by members of the ABC ('A Better Caterham') Healthcheck committee. The successful completion of the survey enabled the organisers to apply for funding for the town, which has since received £200,000 for improvements to Caterham from The South East England Development Agency ('SEEDA') and other organisations.
The CCP, as a limited company, can use its official capacity to influence change in the town, currently based on the priorities highlighted in the Healthcheck. The CCP is also continuing to explore other opportunities to apply for further funding for the town. Its members are volunteers who meet once a month in the Soper Hall, Harestone Valley Road, to monitor the progress of its projects. Membership of CCP costs £5 a year.
Chris Windridge, Chairman of CCP, said: "Following on from having secured a couple of hundred thousand pounds for the town, some of which has been deployed into improving the Square, 'Shop Smart' and helping to launch the Caterham Festival last year, the partnership is looking at a couple of other things in the town. We have a focus group that is currently working with the Planning Department of Tandridge District Council to try and get something done about the dilapidated Rose & Young building in Croydon Road. Another group is re-looking at what could be done with the Soper Hall."
When members heard that Tandridge District Council were looking to sell the Soper Hall, they intervened and suggested that the council consider an 'asset transfer', so that the building remains in the ownership of the community. The building used to be the council offices for the old 'Caterham and Warlingham Urban District Council', but when the new Tandridge District Council was formed in 1974 the council offices moved to the new building in Oxted. Over the years the building has slowly deteriorated and while some 20 Masonic Lodges used to meet in the Hall in 1998, now there are only two. Some of the offices are still in use by local businesses and organisations, such as the Volunteer Bureau and the Citizens Advice Bureau. Chairman of the Soper Hall Focus Group, Graham Tapley, said: "We want to explore ways of getting the building ship-shape again, so that it can be used for wedding receptions, parties, business exhibitions and conferences. Alternatively we may be able to work with a developer to convert the building into accommodation or some other use. It is a pretty tall order, but we are a pretty active group!"
If you would like to join the Caterham Community Partnership and help to deliver 'A Better Caterham, please visit the 'ABC' website at or write to 'CCP Membership, c/o TVS, the Soper Hall, Harestone Valley Road, CR3 6HY.