Candidates for the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner election |
- Published: Friday, 26 October 2012 07:58
The candidates standing for the first ever election for a Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner( PCC) on Thursday 15 November are: * Robert Evans - Labour Party Candidate; * Kevin Hurley - Zero Tolerance Policing ex Chief; * Julie Iles - The Conservative Party Candidate; * Nick O'Shea - Liberal Democrat; * Robert Shatwell - UKIP; * Peter Williams - Independent; All Surrey voters will choose their first and second preference from this one list of candidates. The full statement of persons nominated can be found at Further candidate information can be found at the national website www.choosemypcc. or by calling 0800 1 070708. Voters in England (outside London) and Wales will elect a Police and Crime Commissioner for their local police force area. Each PCC will be responsible for holding the Chief Constable and police force to account on the public's behalf. The PCC will oversee how crime is tackled in their area and aim to make sure the police are providing a good service. Polling stations across Surrey will be open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 15th November. Counting in each borough or district will take place on Friday 16th November. The Police Area Returning Officer will announce the final result and the winning candidate in Guildford on Friday 16th November. |