Historic Society saved |
- Published: Thursday, 29 November 2012 02:21
Caterham's 120-year old Horticultural Society has a bright new future as it recently filled key committee positions, some of which lay vacant for over a year. The Society feared it would not survive without a chairman, following the sad passing of Roy Skelton and the Society sent out a plea to its 400 members. At the Society's AGM in September, the committee elections saw enough new people step forward to save the Society. Some extra committee members and helpers in the Trading Centre in Westway, Caterham-on-the-Hill would still be welcomed. New chairman Debbie Fox comes with some horticultural credentials. She has an honours degree in botany, was previously a government parks champion and is a Green Flag Award judge. Debbie has many fond childhood memories of Caterham. She now lives in Redhill, where she tends her own 100 foot garden. Debbie said: "The Society felt a great loss after the sad passing of chairman Roy Skelton. As the new chairman I want to help the Society to realise its ambitions. These include fundraising for a new Trading Centre and involving more young people. I want to maintain the Society's high standing in the community, its horticultural credentials and its membership of over 400 local people." For more information about Caterham and District Horticultural Society visit www.caterhamdistricthorticulturalsoc. weebly.com |