U3A celebrates 30 years |
- Published: Friday, 07 December 2012 10:53
The national University of the Third age (U3A) is thirty years old this year and to celebrate its Pearl Anniversary, the Caterham and District Branch participated in the Surrey U3A Network exhibition of its activities in the corporate suite at Denbies Vineyard in November. The centrepiece of the show was a large oyster shell with the names of of the U3A Groups on large 'pearls of wisdom'. All around it were examples of French, Art, Psychology, Music, Craftwork, Book Reading. There was also a laptop with the computer program devised by Susan Jones for all U3A branches to use to build their own website and a continuous dvd featuring the Groups' activities. The backdrop was a display of photographs of the Groups at work - and play too! The Committee was on hand throughout the day, ably assisted by a number of members who turned up to help. The event was well attended by other Surrey U3As and many of the public visiting the largest vineyard in England were impressed at the displays of skill, artistry and workmanship shown by the U3A members. For more information about Caterham and District U3A, please contact Ron Giddens, Membership Secretary on 01883 346760. |