New Year, New Community Library for Warlingham! |
- Published: Friday, 01 February 2013 08:06
A new chapter in the life of Warlingham Library started on Tuesday 22nd January when it opened its doors as a 'Community Library' run jointly by Warlingham Parish Council and Surrey County Council. Warlingham Parish Council (WPC) believes that the library is a very important asset for Warlingham so has worked hard with the support group to establish a viable future for the library. WPC conducted a survey of residents that revealed a significant majority were prepared to pay a small additional increase on their Council Tax to fund a trained librarian to be on site together with volunteers. Over 93% of residents responding to the survey were in favour of the proposals. The volunteers will be coordinated by Gina Caunt, the Parish Clerk. Volunteers have been attending training sessions in the core duties but will also be able to offer their services for activities that are of particular interest to them, such as the popular 'Rhyme Time'. As well as helping to run the library, the Parish Council wants to extend the use of the building so that it becomes a real community hub for Warlingham and will be letting it out for community activities such as meetings at times when not operating as a library. A brief opening ceremony conducted by Parish Council Chairman, Phil Flower, was held on the evening of Saturday 19th January followed by a reception to thank all involved in the setting up of the Community Library and the volunteers. The library will be open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays with a short break for lunch. |