Switch and Save |
- Published: Friday, 05 April 2013 09:15
The number of people registering for a scheme to slash heating and light costs has smashed through the 10,000 barrier. With under a week left to sign up, 10,030 have joined Surrey's switch and save initiative to cut the cost of fuel bills. They will be added to bill-payers registering for schemes run by more than 60 councils across the country for an auction with energy suppliers. By joining forces, the councils will potentially be able to draw upon the collective clout of up to 100,000 bill-payers to secure the best possible annual deal on the cost of gas and electricity. The deadline to register is 8 April and councils will negotiate a group deal on 9 April, with the lowest bid winning. Registering is simple and can be done online at www.surreyswitchandsave.org or call 03456 009 009 and choose option five. Laura Langstaff, Surrey County Council's head of procurement and commissioning, said: "It's fantastic to get to 10,000 and I'm sure many more people will take advantage of Surrey's scheme over the next few days. "The more people who come forward, the more they could save from their fuel bills. There's always better bargaining power in numbers so I'd urge anyone interested in cutting the cost of their bills to get some simple information together and put their name down." Registering is simple. All people need to provide are contact details, the name of their supplier and information about their current energy usage and tariff. People in Surrey will be told of the deal in the week beginning 15 April and they will then have until 6 May to decide whether to switch. |