See local students on Sky TV tonight! |
- Published: Friday, 05 July 2013 09:34
This evening, Friday, 5th July students from Oasis Academy Coulsdon will feature in a special report on young people's involvement with social media on Sky News' flagship technology programme, SWiPE broadcast at 8.45pm. The students took part in Digital Resilience Workshops held at the Academy and run by Professor Richard Graham, Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director of the Adolescent Directorate at The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Professor Graham said: "Use of mobile devices and access to the internet has now become a large part of life for young people and within a very short period of time. The workshops give students the opportunity to discuss their own use of new technologies and how it enhances or impacts other aspects of their lives." Students learned about how to make the most of the opportunities social media offer, yet avoid some of the difficult situations that can arise and were made aware of how some people become so engrossed in 'virtual' interaction they find it hard to communicate in reality. Participants were from various age groups ranging from 11 to 18 and it was interesting to note how social media use becomes a more frequent and important part of young people's lives, the older they become. 18 year-old Ryan Bridger said: "The first thing I did when I left the workshop was to check my phone for messages. It was automatic. The workshop was really interesting and has made me think about how often I use it to 'talk' to my mates. I think it's a great way of keeping in touch with everyone - but it still doesn't beat a good laugh and a game of football". |