Sport Relief Swimathon successes at Tandridge Leisure |
- Published: Thursday, 27 March 2014 22:17
Grace and David French. On the weekend of 22nd/23rd March, Tandridge Leisure Centre in Oxted, played host to the Sport Relief Swimathon 2014. On the Saturday there were 14 individual participants (twelve adults and two children) and one team of children. On the Sunday there were seven individualists (all children) and one team of children. Distances covered on Saturday were: 3 adults x 1.5k, 1 child and 3 adults x 2.5k, 5 adults, 1 child and child team x 5k. Distances covered on Sunday were: 2 children and child team 1.5K, 3 children x 2.5K and 2 children x 5K. On the Saturday we had three families taking part again this year, Gail and Rowena Moore, Belinda and Kit Wigmore, Grace and David French. On the Sunday the Lyons family had three members taking part, namely Charlie, Toby and Freddie. Team Matthews: Matthew Hosp, Alex Campion, Fraser Myers and Cai Edwards. Fastest times from Saturday: 1.5K Munira Bandukwala at 42mins.51, 2.5K Olivia Peake at 53mins.17, 5k Dave French 1hr 32mins.17 (all adults) fastest children 2.5K Grace French 1hr 13mins.14, 5K Kit Wigmore 1hr 40mins.47 Fastest times from Sunday: 1.5K Freddie Lyons 38 mins.03 (though a team of children did this distance in 25 mins 37) 2.5K Charlie Lyons 44 mins 49 and 5K Esther Keyworth in 1hr 51min.04 (all children). Lisa O'Donnell, Sports and Swimming Manager at Tandridge Trust said: “At Tandridge Trust we feel very privileged to be involved with raising money for such a great cause. The Swimathon is always a great event in which families and the local community come together to swim incredible distances for charity. I personally look forward to volunteering and seeing some of the same families and swimmers come back year on year,” Kit Wigmore receives his award for fastest time in the 5K Swimathon challenge.