Is the end in sight for the Rose & Young 'eyesore'? |
- Published: Friday, 21 January 2011 10:38
Building contractors, GB Development Solutions have announced that they are progressing proposals for the redevelopment of the long derelict Rose & Young site on Croydon Road, Caterham. In a statement sent to The Caterham and District Independent, the developers said that they recognise the site has become a matter of great local concern and are keen to progress their scheme which envisages a four-storey residential block in a distinctive design at this important gateway site to the town centre. Glenn Mills, MD of GB Development Solutions said; "Tandridge District Council has a clear objective to encourage redevelopment plans for Caterham. They have responded positively to our initiative and we are working with them towards the submission of a Planning Application. This is in the knowledge that the Council would, subject to a risk assessment, be prepared to support a Compulsory Purchase Order procedure should the owner remain unwilling to negotiate with us regarding our desire to acquire the site and deliver a satisfactory scheme which has planning approval." The news has delighted the members of the Rose & Young Action Group who met with the Planning Officers of Tandridge District Council back in December 2009 to discuss the Council's Core Strategy from October 2008 in which it stated that: "The Council will actively pursue the development of the Rose & Young site." The January 2010 edition of The Caterham and District Independent reported the meeting between the Rose & Young Action Group and the Planning Officers, when Bob Evans, Head of Planning at Tandridge District Council said that given their Core Strategy, the Council's priority would be to encourage redevelopment in any way that contributes overall to this part of Caterham. No specific preconditions on schemes would be likely to be an obstacle. Mr Evans added that he would welcome informal discussion with any groups with potential schemes. Following last January's article, Mr Evans was pleased to hear from various developers seeking to discuss possible schemes for the site, including a scheme put forward by GB Development Solutions. Following the building contractor's recent press announcement Bob Evans said: "We very much welcome the interest shown by GB Development Solutions in this site. We are heartened by their commitment to bring forward proposals and look forward to sharing details of their scheme with local residents and businesses as soon as a planning application is made." The timing of the Planning Application will depend on the outcome of negotiations with the current owners of the site in respect of the acquisition by GB Development Solutions, and detailed pre-application consultations with Tandridge District Council and other interested parties. Tandridge District Councillor for Caterham Valley, Jane Ingham, who sits on the Planning Committee, said: "This building has for far too long been a blight on our town and has had a negative affect on both the business and residential community. Without prejudice to any proposals I look forward to examining the scheme when an application is made, and to hearing the opinions of the local community." The Rose & Young Action Group, now part of the Caterham Community Partnership, has continued to be in dialogue with the Planning Officers of Tandridge District Council since their meeting in December 2009. A spokesperson for the Action Group said: "We are very pleased with the news that an interested developer has come forward with a viable proposal; this is a longawaited and exciting opportunity that will be very good news for the Caterham Community. The site has been derelict for 18 years and a new development will bring much-needed regeneration for this end of town. We hope that a planning application will demonstrate good environmental practice, be in keeping with the town and provide suitable amenities. Pursuing a CPO may not be necessary if the current owner is willing to consider selling the site to the developers, which would see a much speedier resolution to this situation." Surrey County Councillor for Caterham Valley, Sally Marks also expressed her reaction to the news, saying: "I am delighted to hear that we have a group interested in developing this infamous local eyesore. The current situation is appalling and frankly almost anything would be better than what we have now. What I cannot understand is why the previous and current owners of the site could not have provided the town with much needed parking space over the last 20 years - this would have been so simple and an income stream for the owners. Instead they have ignored pleas from the community to do the decent thing and just 'mothballed' this ugly building, making it a health and safety hazard and ensuring that the town's fortunes are severely compromised." Please e-mail your views to The Caterham and District Independent at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The Caterham and District Independent first reported this news via our Enewsletter issued on Friday 21st January. To sign up to our Enewsletter mailing list, visit www.caterham-independent. |